In German shepherd dogs pituitary dwarfism is known as an autosomal recessive inherited abnormality. To investigate whether the function of cells other than the somatotropes may also be impaired in this disease, the secretory capacity of the pituitary anterior lobe (AL) cells was studied by a combined pituitary AL stimulation test with four releasing hormones (4RH test) in four male and four female German shepherd dwarfs. In addition, the morphology of the pituitary was investigated by computed tomography. The physical features of the eight German shepherd dwarfs were primarily characterized by growth retardation and stagnant development of the hair coat. The results of the 4RH test confirmed the presence of hyposomatotropism. The basal plasma TSH and prolactin concentrations were also low and did not change upon stimulation. Basal plasma concentrations of LH were relatively low and responded only slightly to suprapituitary stimulation. With respect to the plasma FSH levels there was a clear gender difference. In the males plasma FSH concentrations remained below the detection limit throughout the 4RH test, whereas in the females the basal plasma FSH levels were slightly lower and there was only a small increase following suprapituitary stimulation, compared with the values in age-matched controls. In contrast, basal and stimulated plasma ACTH concentrations did not differ between the dwarfs and the controls. Computed tomography of the pituitary fossa revealed a normal sized pituitary with cysts in five dogs, an enlarged pituitary with cysts in two dogs, and a small pituitary gland without cysts in the remaining dog. The results of this study demonstrate that German shepherd dwarfs have a combined deficiency of GH, TSH, and prolactin together with impaired release of gonadotropins, whereas ACTH secretion is preserved. The combined pituitary hormone deficiency is associated with cyst formation and pituitary hypoplasia.