There have been few reports on immunological studies in patients with acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM). We investigated the immunological features of ADEM using flow cytometry to examine interferon gamma (IFN-gamma)-and interleukin 4 (IL-4)-producing peripheral blood CD3+T cells from four patients with ADEM, three other neurological disorders (Fisher syndrome, epilepsy and aseptic meningitis) and 10 healthy children. IFN-gamma-producing CD3+T cells were increased in ADEM during the acute stage. In a relapsing case of ADEM, the percentages of IFN-gamma-producing CD3+T cells correlated with disease activity. There were no significant changes of IL-4-producing CD3+T cells in ADEM during the acute and convalescent stages. In conclusion, peripheral blood IFN-gamma-producing T cells are related to the pathogenesis at the early phase of the acute ADEM.