Traumatic disruption of the thoracic aorta is said to occur most often near the aortic isthmus because of the mechanisms of aortic injury. Between November 1990 and August 1999, we encountered eight cases of surgical treatment for traumatic injury of the thoracic aorta combined with multi-system injury. In some cases, the injury was located near the aortic isthmus; in such cases, we selected surgical options that made use of three different approaches, namely, media sternotomy, posterolateral left thoracotomy, and anteroaxillal thoracotomy. Each approach has advantages and disadvantages. In selecting an appropriate approach, it is not only necessary to consider the various features of the approach itself, but it is also necessary to consider other factors, such as the assisting apparatus in use, the effects of other injuries sustained by perioperative positioning, safety measures against accidental bleeding during surgery, deployment of the operative field, and potential complications after surgery.