The clinical evaluation of regional delays in myocardial motion (myocardial asynchrony) has proved problematic, yet it remains an important functional parameter to evaluate. Prior attempts to quantify regional asynergy have met with limited success, often thwarted by the low temporal resolution of imaging-system data acquisition. If a delay in onset of motion of 30-40 msec is clinically important to measure, then data acquisition at frame rates of 50-100 per second is required. This is out of the current temporal resolution of angiographic, nuclear, or magnetic resonance studies. Only cardiac ultrasound can currently achieve the necessary frame rates. Furthermore, quantitative studies into the accuracy with which a trained observer can identify computed regional myocardial asynchrony in a left-ventricular 2-dimensional (2-D) image have shown that regional delays of < 80 msec are not normally recognized in a moving image. This may be improved to 60 msec when either training is undertaken or comparative image review is used. However, this is still out of the temporal resolution required in clinical practice. Thus, visual interpretation of asynchrony is not sufficiently accurate. Two ultrasound data sets based on either integrated backscatter or Doppler myocardial imaging data may provide the solution. Doppler myocardial imaging is a new ultrasound technique which, in either its pulsed or color Doppler format, can achieve the required temporal resolution (with temporal resolutions of 8 msec and 16 msec, respectively). In contrast, color Doppler myocardial imaging, in its curved M-mode format, can display the timing of events during the cardiac cycle for all in-plane myocardial segments. This should allow the quantitation of regional delay for all systolic and diastolic events. Potentially, asynchrony due to regional ischemia, bundle branch block, ventricular premature beats, and ventricular preexcitation could all be identified and the degree of delay quantified. This overview will aim to establish the potential role of these new ultrasound methodologies in the recognition and quantitation of left-ventricular asynergy and how they might best be introduced into clinical practice.