The upside-down stomach (UDS) is a special form of gastric organoaxial volvulus in a supradiaphragmatic hernial sac. The authors report five cases treated between 1979 and 1998, and seek to point out possible problems and pitfalls in the surgical management of this uncommon anomaly. Retrospective analysis of these cases shows that brachyesophagus as described is not a problem in UDS, as the esophagus is of normal length. The hiatus, on the other hand, is always very large and needs proper narrowing, which may be achieved through a transabdominal approach more easily than through a transthoracic access. A common esophago-aortal hiatus is often present. In conclusion, the authors recommend a hiatal repair and gastropexy, i.e. fundophrenopexy and corpoventropexy along the esophageal axis to prevent recurrent gastric herniation or torsion. Transabdominal access should be chosen since brachyesophagus is not expected. Beware of a common hiatus when preparing the hiatal crura. An antireflux procedure is not necessary as gastro-esophageal reflux usually resolves spontaneously after hiatal repair and gastropexy.