Context: The "Standards, Options and Recommendations" (SOR) project, started in 1993, is a collaboration between the Federation of the French Cancer Centres (FNCLCC), the 20 French Cancer Centres and specialists from French Public Universities, General Hospitals and Private Clinics. The main objective is the development of clinical practice guidelines to improve the quality of health care and outcome for cancer patients. The methodology is based on literature review and critical appraisal by a multidisciplinary group of experts, with feedback from specialists in cancer care delivery.
Objectives: To develop clinical practice guidelines according to the definitions of the Standards, Options and Recommendations project for the prevention and the surveillance of cross infection in oncology.
Methods: Data were identified by searching Medline and the personal reference lists of members of the expert groups. Once the guidelines were defined, the document was submitted for review to 106 independent reviewers, and to the medical committees of the 20 French Cancer Centres.
Results: 1) Criteria of infection status and nosocomiality defined by the Centers for Infectious Diseases (CDC) and Prevention and the Superior Council of Public Hygiene (CSHPF) are not adapted and have to be redefined in oncology. 2) The epidemiology of nosocomial infections in oncology is not well known but their incidence seems to be higher. Numerous risk factors of cross infections coexist in cancer patients, among which the duration and depth of neutropenia. 3) Surveillance and prevention of cross infection are compulsory and were taken into account in the accreditation of hospitals. Obligation is expressed in terms of means and results. 4) The objectives of the cross infection surveillance are to detect major problems and critic situations, to guide probabilistic antibiotic therapy and to assess the effectiveness of the infections control. The surveillance means consist in prevalence and incidence survey, punctually and continuously conducted. 5) The three specific behaviors to be adopted to prevent cross infections are to control: all the patients, infected patients carrying multiresistant bacteria, immunodepressed patients. 6) Standards of care have to be applied to a/l patients with cancer. 7) It is necessary to add particular septic cares for the patients infected with micro-organisms indicated on reference lists or carrying multiresistant bacteria. 8) The only objective of the protective isolation of immunodepressed cancer patients is to reduce the cross infection. There is no standard behavior for the indications and the modalities of protective isolation. The prevention behaviors to be taken are defined by expert agreements.