We report the first direct molecular prenatal diagnosis, undertaken for the autosomal dominant form of dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (DDEB). The proband had a moderately severe form of DDEB, with episodic blistering of skin and mucosal involvement. Diagnostic histopathological examination, using electron microscopy to evaluate skin from a fresh blister, demonstrated a zone of cleavage beneath the epidermal-dermal junction, thereby assigning the EB as dystrophic. DNA analysis of COL7A1, the gene encoding type VII collagen, identified a heterozygous transversion (G to A) in the triple helix domain (G2043R). For any subsequent pregnancy, the affected mother and the unaffected father of the proband requested prenatal prediction, which was thereafter carried out in DNA extracted from a chorionic villus sample obtained at 11 weeks of gestation. Restriction enzyme analysis of COL7A1 exons 73 and 74 amplified by PCR, demonstrated the presence of the G2043R mutation, and the pregnancy was subsequently terminated. Molecular analysis of DNA extracted from fetal tissues confirmed the prenatal prediction.
Copyright 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.