Object: Function-preserving neurosurgery requires methods to identify functionally important CNS-areas intraoperatively. We investigated whether a combination of focal cerebro-cortical cooling and monitoring of somatosensory evoked potentials (SEP) is suited for this task, i.e. whether it is able to outline structures belonging to the somatosensory pathway.
Methods: In 17 Wistar rats the somatosensory cortex was focally cooled by 20 degrees C below the initial tissue temperature for periods of five minutes. A cryoprobe with a tip diameter of 3 mm was used and tissue temperatures were measured below and at different distances to the cryoprobe. Tibial nerve evoked SEPs and EEG-spectra were recorded continuously.
Results: During cortical cooling the SEP-responses showed a marked delay and amplitude increase of the cortically generated components P13 and N18 and a small latency increase of the subcortically generated wave III. EEG-spectra were depressed mainly in the low frequency range. All cooling effects were reversible and in light- as well as electron-microscopic examinations no tissue damage was found.
Conclusions: Focal cooling of the cortex induces easily recognizable and reversible changes of the bio-electrical activity without causing any histological damage. Therefore the method seems suitable for identifying eloquent areas. It can be expected that clinical application of the cooling technique in combination with intraoperative electrophysiological monitoring will be helpful to further lower the risk of neurosurgical operations. We propose that cooling mainly interferes with the synaptic transmission within the somatosensory cortex, because the observed amplitude increase can be explained by cold-induced depression of inhibitory cortical activity (disinhibition).