In this study (n=200), the characteristics of IDUs participating in a provincial needle exhange program (NEP) for more than 2 years (> 2 years) were compared with those of IDUs having participated for less than 2 years (≤ 2 years). Compared to the ≤ 2 years, the > 2 years were more often recipients of welfare (RC: 4.7), especially among the HIV-positive (RC: 62.0); tried quitting drugs more frequently (RC: 3.8); more often recommended the NEP to other IDUs (RC: 3.1); and more often requested being given shelter and longer opening hours (RC: 3.6). These results highlight the urgent need to improve and develop transitional and support services for the > 2 years. Preventive interventions that would reach out to the ≤ 2 years where they live should also be implemented in close collaboration with organizations involved in mental health and drug use prevention.