Since 1991, we have performed stent placement for 35 iliac artery lesions in 31 patients. The etiologic diseases were atherosclerotic in 34 patients and traumatic dissection in one. The indications of placement were total occlusion in 3, late restenosis after angioplasty in 5, dissection in 5, and residual stenosis due to inadequate angioplasty in 21. We also performed direct stent placement for one traumatic dissection. The stents used were Wallstents in 10, Palmaz stents in 14, Strecker stents in 9, and Memotherm stents in 2 lesions. Follow-up was performed clinically or angiographically with measurement of the ankle/arm pressure index. Stent placement was successful in all cases, and relief or improvement of symptoms was achieved. The follow-up period ranged from 6-85 months (mean, 37.3 months). Late stent stenosis or occlusion occurred in 6 cases, among which 4 occluded lesions were successfully recanalized by thrombolytic therapy with angioplasty or second stent placement. In total, the primary patency rates were 88% and 77% at two and four years, respectively, while the secondary patency rates were 94% and 94%. In conclusion, metallic stent placement may offer extended application of intravascular treatment for iliac artery occlusive disease, and good long-term patency rates can be expected.