Objective: To analyze the causes of death in cancer patients.
Methods: In collection of 2,167 cancer cases coming to the emergency clinic, the causes of death were analyzed in 329 cases.
Results: Of the 329 cases, 25.8% (85/329) was due to the cancer growth itself while 59.9% (197/329) was resulted from complications. Thirty-seven cases (11.2%) died within 12 h in the emergency clinic. Most of the deaths were seen in patients with cancer of the lung, stomach and liver. Infection, respiratory failure, shock, hemorrhage and cardiac attack were the causes of death. The first two causes accounted for 36.2% and 32.5% of the total deaths in this series, respectively.
Conclusion: Complications are the major causees of death. The importance of their proper prevention needs to be emphysized.