An 18-year-old Thoroughbred gelding was evaluated because of sudden onset of ventricular tachycardia and signs of colic. Three years earlier, a diastolic decrescendo murmur, consistent with aortic regurgitation, had been detected, but the horse continued to perform well and compete successfully. Cardiac ultrasonographic examination revealed a defect in the interventricular septum below the aortic root, and serum concentrations of cardiac troponin I (cTnI) were higher than those measured in clinically normal horses. Repeated development of tachyarrhythmia during hospitalization prompted a decision to euthanatize the horse. A ruptured endocardial jet lesion below the aortic valve with formation of a cleft into the interventricular septum was found on necropsy. This report of increased serum cTnI concentrations in a horse with myocardial disease and our other findings suggest that assessment of cardiac troponin concentrations may be a useful tool in the evaluation of horses with suspected myocardial disease.