The Serodia-HCV Particle Agglutination (HCV-PA) for the detection of HCV antibodies was compared with the Enzyme Immunoassay Test (UBI HCV EIA) for possible in-house use. A total of 150 specimens were analysed using UBI HCV EIA and Serodia-HCV PA. Of these, 80 (53.3%) were both PA and EIA positive and 59 (39.3%) were negative by both techniques. Eleven sera (7.4%) were found to be EIA-positive but PA-negative. These 11 discordant sera were further tested by the LiaTek-HCV III Immunoassay (Organon Teknika). Ten were found to be line immunoassay negative and one was line immunoassay positive. Failure of the PA to detect the HCV positive serum meant that a small proportion of HCV antibody positives may be missed by the PA test. We conclude that (i) EIA should continue to be the first line screening test in our laboratory, (ii) PA with its 100% specificity could be a useful supplementary screen for all EIA-positive sera and finally (iii) line immunoassay could be used on sera to resolve discordant results in the EIA and PA assays.