The BRCA1 gene modification is responsible for an autosomal dominant syndrome of inherited early onset breast and/or ovarian cancer. This gene is estimated to account for almost half of inherited breast cancers and three quarters of inherited breast/ovarian cancers. This suggests that about 1 in every 500 women may carry the BRCA1 mutation. The BRCA1 was isolated by positional cloning in 1994. More than 100 different mutations have been found in the germline of affected individuals. Using systematic sequencing, we looked at BRCA1 germline mutations in 84 patients treated at the Centre Oscar Lambret for breast and/or ovarian cancer who belonged to high-risk families. We found 39 mutations: 22 true mutations inducing modifications of the BRCA1 protein (BRCA1+), six mutations with unknown consequences on the BRCA1 protein, and eleven mutations corresponding to polymorphisms that had been described previously. All the BRCA1+ cases had a HPG3 tumour. The median age of discovery and the receptor positivity percentage are lower in hereditary breast cancer than in the standard population of the breast cancers treated in our centre. Conversely, most of the BRCA1+ patients are without node involvement. This shows that BRCA1 mutations are not always related to parameters thought to indicate a bad prognosis.