Alpha-synuclein (alpha-synuclein) is a member of a family of cytoplasmic proteins found predominantly and abundantly in the brain, and concentrated in pre-synaptic nerve terminals, near vesicles. We hypothesized that an antibody to alpha-synuclein could be a useful marker of neuronal differentiation in central nervous system (CNS) tumors. Twenty tumors known to have neuronal or mixed neuronal/glial differentiation ( 11 gangliogliomas, 2 anaplastic gangliogliomas, 5 gangliocytomas, and 2 ganglioneuroblastomas), 5 central neurocytomas, and 1 dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor (DNET) were immunostained with a mouse monoclonal antibody raised against human alpha-synuclein. Intense cytoplasmic staining, in some instances extending into the perikarya, was seen in 6 of 11 gangliogliomas, 2 of 2 anaplastic gangliogliomas, and 2 of 2 ganglioneuroblastomas. Alpha-synuclein-positive cells were usually large in size, resembled dysmorphic neurons, and were variably immunoreactive for anti-neurofilament and/or anti-synaptophysin antibodies. In contrast, central neurocytomas, gangliocytomas, and the DNET were negative for cytoplasmic alpha-synuclein expression. Our findings indicate that alpha-synuclein is expressed within the neuronal component of mixed tumors of the CNS displaying more than 1 histophenotype, and/or showing different degrees of anaplasia. Based on currently available data, we conclude that cytoplasmic alpha-synuclein expression is a marker of maturing neurons in these tumors.