An integrated large-insert clone map of the region Xq11-q12 is presented. A physical map containing markers within a few hundred kilobases of the centromeric locus DXZ1 to DXS1125 spans nearly 5 Mb in two contigs separated by a gap estimated to be approximately 100-250 kb. The contigs combine 75 yeast artificial chromosome clones, 12 bacterial artificial chromosome clones, and 17 P1-derived artificial chromosome clones with 81 STS or EST markers. Overall marker density across this region is approximately 1 STS/60 kb. Mapped within the contigs are 12 ESTs as well as 5 known genes, moesin (MSN), hephaestin (HEPH), androgen receptor (AR), oligophrenin-1 (OPHN1), and Eph ligand-2 (EPLG2). Orientation of the contigs on the X chromosome, as well as marker order within the contigs, was unambiguously determined by reference to a number of X chromosome breakpoints. In addition, the distal contig spans deletions from chromosomes of three patients exhibiting either complete androgen insensitivity (CAI) or a contiguous gene syndrome that includes CAI, impaired vision, and mental retardation.
Copyright 2000 Academic Press.