Multiple carcinoid tumors of the small bowel with more than 3 lesions are very unusual. The authors report a case with 4 lesions, 2 of those localized in the jejunum with more advanced infiltration of the wall and extension to regional mesenteric lymph nodes, revealed by ultrasonography. The relative low incidence and particularly the vague, nonspecific clinical presentation, the unusual site in the jejunum, and failure of the radiological examine of one year before lead to not suspect this condition prior to US examination. However, the feature of asymmetric, concentric thickening of the bowel wall requiring a more accurate exam by CT with oral contrast was able to confirm the suspect of the intestinal tumor. The patient, 80 year old, underwent radical surgery with a wide lymph nodes dissection as well as double resection of the jejunum and distal ileum. The post-surgical outcome was uneventful. A 12-month follow-up is free of the disease.