By gently scraping off the surface of the lateral ventricles of adult bovine brains, we obtained sheets containing the ependymal layer and some attached sub-ependymal cells. Explants were cultured in serum-free medium or in two media enriched with 20% fetal calf serum or 20% adult bovine cerebrospinal fluid, and processed for different time intervals from 4 h to 60 days. For characterization of the ependymal cells we used antisera against S-100 protein, vimentin and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). For comparison, the ependyma of adult bovines and of fetuses from days 60 to 120 post coitum was studied in situ. The adult ependyma consisted of a ciliated, cuboid cell monolayer with short basal processes; it displayed S-100 immunoreactivity but only scarce deposits of vimentin and no GFAP. The fetal ependyma had the appearance of a pseudostratified epithelium with elongated nuclei and basal processes containing S-100 and vimentin from day 80 post coitum and GFAP from day 100 post coitum. In explants, no differences were seen between the three culture media; the ependyma became pseudostratified, developed basal processes and showed increasing amounts of S-100 and vimentin first, and subsequently also GFAP. These changes were concomitant with the onset of mitotic activity in the subependymal layer leading to the production of numerous cells. The morphological and immunocytochemical features of ependymal cells in cultured explants resembled those of fetal ependyma. Our results indicate that the culture of ependymal explants from adult bovine lateral ventricles is an useful model system for morphological and functional studies of the ependyma and for the analysis of cell proliferation in the subependymal layer.