This prospective study was conducted during a period of 30 days in 96 patients to determine the incidence of postobturation pain after single-visit root canal treatment in black Senegalese people. The canals of all teeth were hand-prepared and filled with zinc-oxide-eugenol paste by a Lentulo spiral paste filler. Patients were asked to categorize their pain according to the following criteria: No pain, Slight pain, Moderate pain and Severe pain. The data were analysed statically with chi-square test to determine the relationship, if any, between the pain experienced and sex, age, tooth type, apical level of root filling and number of treatment performed in the single-visit. Results show that eighteen patients experienced pain (18.75%); our results are ranging between 10% and 25% described in the literature. No significant correlation was found between postobturation pain and any other factor with the exception of the apical length of canal filling. Characteristics of postobturation pain after root canal treatment performed in single-visit in Senegalese people presents the same features as described in international papers, that is, pain appears early and analgesic therapy is effective.