The merozoite surface protein 2 of P. falciparum is highly polymorphic in nature, but has regions of almost complete conservation at its N- and C-termini. We produced a chimeric recombinant protein comprising these regions only (hereafter termed NC). Mice immunized with the NC antigen produce antibodies at levels comparable to those immunized with 1624, a full-length recombinant protein representing MSP2 from P. falciparum. Antisera raised against NC recognized P. falciparum schizonts by IFA and a P. falciparum protein of Mr 45 kDa by Western blot. However, antibody specificities were observed to differ between anti-NC and anti-1624 sera, and this resulted in differences in parasite recognition, despite similar levels of antibodies having been produced. The response to the NC antigen was also shown to be restricted in some mice (H2-d), but this was overcome by including appropriate T-cell help, which was accomplished by creating recombinant protein chimeras that contained NC and T-helper epitopes from Tetanus toxoid, or MSP119 from P. berghei.