Although the tongue is not a vital organ in sustaining life, it may be a vital organ in sustaining the will to live in many people. As carcinoma of the tongue represents the majority of the 30,000 oral cavity cancers diagnosed per year in the United States, many patients face the potential consequences of resection of part or all of the tongue for cure. To date, reconstructive options do not restore optimal tongue function including articulation, swallowing, taste, or sensation. With the ultimate goal of improving tongue reconstruction, we report on a successfully performed autograft transplantation of the tongue in an animal model. Before undertaking allograft transplantation of the tongue, an autograft tongue transplant would be attempted to identify the feasibility of such a procedure and to determine the similarity of an animal model with human techniques. The dog's neck, tongue, and oral anatomy represent an excellent animal model for tongue reconstruction. This procedure can be performed successfully in an animal model. The only previously published replantation of the tongue involved the reattachment of the anterior portion of a human tongue after physical trauma. To our knowledge, the enclosed report represents the first successful total excision and replantation of the tongue in either a human or animal model.
Copyright 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.