The levels of LDL and HDL phospholipids as well as concentrations of total phospholipids were determined in the blood serum of 38 patients with generalized form of psoriasis (PG) and in 35 healthy volunteers of the control group (C). Patients with psoriasis were divided into two groups according to age at the onset of the disease. Group I (PG I, No = 11) were patients in whom the onset of psoriasis was observed before the age of 14.5, whereas group II (PGII; No = 27) were those in whom the first symptoms of the disease manifested themselves over the age of 15. A statistically insignificant tendency was noted towards a slight decrease in the concentration of total lipids, and towards an increase in the level of LDL phospholipids, whereas a statistically significant decrease was observed in the concentration of HDL phospholipids.