A morphological analysis was performed on a human cochlea removed during skull base surgery. The patient experienced a noise-induced hearing loss following 30 years of mechanical exposure. The tissue was processed according to the block surface technique and the organ of Corti, osseous spiral lamina and spiral ganglion were analyzed at different levels. There was a circumscribed lesion approx. 10 mm from the round window extending to about 13 mm. At this site, the dominant pathological feature was the loss of outer hair cells that was comprehensive in the centermost area and partial in the peripheral region of the damage. The degradation of inner hair cells was less severe with signs of cell atrophy yet with limited loss. Outer pillar cells were often collapsed leading to deformation of the acoustic ridge. The Deiters cells were often present and physically interactive with remaining nerve fibers. In the reticular lamina, surgical manipulation and dissection resulted in tears which may be attributed to a reduction of intercellular strength between cells. In the damaged area, there was a 45% loss of myelinated nerve fibers measured at the osseous spiral lamina. Pathological changes could not be observed in the spiral ganglion with certainty although the type II cells innervating the outer hair cells were often difficult to discern.