The pericardium is a serous membrane consisting of two layers (parietal and visceral), which may be involved by different infectious, physical, traumatic, or inflammatory agents as well as in metabolic or systemic diseases. The reactions of the pericardium to these insults result in rather nonspecific clinical features, such as the characteristic inflammatory findings in acute pericarditis, the development of pericardial effusion with the possible complication of cardiac tamponade, and a fibrous retractile reaction that may lead to constrictive pericarditis. These phenomena are not mutually exclusive and can be simultaneous or consecutive in the same patient; however, for the sake of clarity they are independently discussed. The aim of the present guidelines is to provide orientation about the management of patients with pericardial disease. Such management should basically rest on the knowledge of the clinical and epidemiological features (such as disease frequency) of the different types of pericardial disease that determine the diagnostic and therapeutic yield of the different invasive pericardial procedures (pericardiocentesis, pericardial biopsy and pericardiectomy), and, therefore, their respective indications. In addition, the indication of the different types of medical therapy are discussed. On the other hand, emphasis is made on the possible limitation of the validity of these guidelines for patients belonging to geographical areas or socioeconomic contexts with different etiologic spectra.