To determine the effects of chronic Ag stimulation on B cell survival and phenotype, we compared survival and surface markers of hen egg lysozyme (HEL)-specific B cells in Ig transgenic (Tgn) mice, which lack HEL, and in HEL-Ig transgenic mice, which express soluble HEL. Serum HEL levels were maximized in HEL-Ig Tgn mice by feeding them zinc, which activates the metallothionein promoter that regulates HEL expression. B cell age was characterized by expression of heat-stable Ag, and B220 and B cell survival was studied by evaluating changes in B cell number when lymphopoiesis was suppressed with anti-IL-7 mAb and by identifying newly generated B cells through 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine incorporation. Our observations show that the mean B cell life span is considerably reduced in HEL-Ig Tgn compared with Ig Tgn mice, but also demonstrate that some HEL-Ig Tgn B cells survive to maturity. Some of these surviving B cells have undergone receptor editing (substitution of an endogenous Ig light chain for the transgenic Ig light chain), so that their ability to bind HEL is decreased or absent. Surviving HEL-Ig Tgn B cells that retain HEL specificity express decreased mIgD and little or no mIgM. mIgD expression progressively decreases with increasing HEL-Ig Tgn B cell age. These observations suggest that self Ag-specific B cells can survive in the presence of soluble self Ag by down-regulating mIg expression, which should limit B cell signaling by Ag that might otherwise cause deletion of these cells.