Lupine flour (lupinus albus), recently authorized in France in human food, cross-reacts with peanuts. We report a case of acute asthma in a patient with allergy to peanuts.
Exegesis: This patient has a severe allergy to peanuts, presenting as acute asthma. Skin prick-tests to raw and cooked lupine flour were positive. The level of specific-IgE (Allerbio, France) to lupine flour were high. Oral challenge test induced acute asthma at a dose of 965 mg of lupine flour. This quantity may be included in 100 g of bread.
Conclusion: This case report points out the fact that lupine flour is a high-risk allergen in patients presenting allergy to peanuts. It is necessary to evaluate the allergenic risk of new foods before their introduction into human daily food intake and to establish a network of allergy vigilance.