A 69-year-old man was examined at our hospital because of a sense of upper abdominal fullness. He was diagnosed as having stage IVb (H2P0N4T4) gastric cancer and treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy. One course of the regimen consisted of 10 mg CDDP (day 1-5), 10 mg MMC (day 1), 250 mg 5-FU (day 1-20) and 50 mg ETP (day 6, 7). The patient underwent the regimen three times in succession. After the chemotherapy, his hepatic metastases showed necrotic changes and the swelling of the para-aortic lymph nodes disappeared on a CT scan. A histological examination revealed that the cancer cells had completely vanished both at the site of the hepatic tumor and the para-aortic lymph nodes. This combination chemotherapy, named PMFE therapy, is considered effective without serious side effects for gastric cancer in patients with non-curative factors.