A stereoselective method of analysis of the antidepressant drug doxepin (DOX, an 85:15% mixture of E-Z stereoisomers), its principal metabolites E- and Z-N-desmethyldoxepin (desDOX) and ring-hydroxylated metabolites in microsomal incubation mixtures is described. DOX and its metabolites were extracted from alkalinised incubation mixtures by either: 9:1 hexane-propan-2-ol (method 1) or 1:1 hexane-dichloromethane (method 2), derivatised with trifluoroacetic anhydride and analysed by GC-MS with selected ion monitoring. Both methods were suitable for the analysis of individual desDOX isomers as indicated by correlation coefficients of > or = 0.999 for calibration curves constructed between 50 and 2500 nM, and good within-day precision at 125 nM (C.V. < or = 14%) and 1000 nM (C.V. < or = 8%). Method 1, however, was unsuitable for the analysis of ring-hydroxylated metabolites of DOX, whereas the hydroxylated metabolites of E-DOX and E-desDOX (generated in situ) were extracted by method 2 with a C.V. of ca. 13%. This is the first assay method that permits the simultaneous measurement of desDOX and hydroxylated metabolites of DOX in microsomal mixtures.