From May 1997 to April 98, 30 radiological centers made an agreement with the Leuvens Universitair Centrum voor Kankerpreventie (LUCK) for the work out of physical and technical quality control in mammography screening. A protocol was used based on the European Guidelines for Quality Assurance. The reports of all 30 acceptance tests were retrospectively reviewed. The following parts showed to be most critical: alignment of radiation field and film in the bucky, tube voltage precision, automatic exposure controller, average optical density of a standard exposure, dark room and its safe lights. The mean film gradient was in the majority of the centers higher than what is prescribed in the European document. This is acceptable and even desirable whenever daily quality control shows that the development system is sufficiently stable. Although it is difficult to compare the scores for the specific tests with results in other countries, there is evidence that the tendencies are very similar.