CYP3A4 is involved in the metabolism of numerous biologically active compounds, including testosterone. A genetic variant located in the P450NF (nifedipine) specific element (NFSE) has been identified that disrupts a transciptional regulatory element located in the 5' regulatory region of CYP3A4. The CYP3A4 variant (CYP3A4-V) is associated with the clinical presentation of prostate cancer. There are significant differences in CYP3A4 metabolism and rates of prostate cancer across ethnic groups that may be associated with CYP3A4 genotypes. Therefore, we estimated the frequency of the CYP3A4 variant in three ethnic groups with different prostate cancer incidence rates. The frequency (q) of CYP3A4-V was significantly different (p<0.0001) in African Americans (q=0.53), U.S. Caucasians (q=0.09), and Taiwanese (q=0.0). CYP3A4-V segregated in a Mendelian manner in one large African American family, and 7 of 16 (44%) biologically unrelated "marry-ins" carried a CYP3A4 variant allele. Reflecting population-specific prostate cancer incidence rates, our results suggest a high frequency of this variant in African Americans compared with U.S. Caucasians and Taiwanese.