1. The construction of a three-dimensional model of human CYP2E1 is reported. It is based on homology with the haemoprotein domain of the unusual bacterial P450, CYP102, which is of known crystal structure. 2. Interactive docking of a number of human CYP2E1 substrates is consistent with their known positions of CYP2E1-mediated metabolism, where specific interactions with key active site amino acid side-chains appear to rationalize the binding and orientation of substrate molecules. 3. Amino acid residues within the putative active site of human CYP2E1, including those associated with the binding of substrates and inhibitors, are shown to correspond with those identified by site-directed mutagenesis experiments conducted on CYP2 family isoforms, and they are known to affect substrate metabolism regioselectivity. 4. Consequently, it was found that the CYP2E1 active site exhibits complementarity with the structural characteristics of known substrates and inhibitors of this enzyme, including their relatively low molecular weights and disposition of hydrogen bond-forming groups.