Since its clinical introduction in 1991, volumetric computed tomography scanning using spiral or helical scanners has resulted in a revolution for diagnostic imaging. In addition to new applications for computed tomography, such as computed tomographic angiography and the assessment of patients with renal colic, many routine applications such as the detection of lung and liver lesions have substantially improved. Helical computed tomographic technology has improved over the past eight years with faster gantry rotation, more powerful X-ray tubes, and improved interpolation algorithms, but the greatest advance has been the recent introduction of multi detector-row computed tomography scanners. These scanners provide similar scan quality at a speed gain of 3-6 times greater than single detector-row computed tomography scanners. This has a profound impact on the performance of computed tomography angiography, resulting in greater anatomic coverage, lower iodinated contrast doses, and higher spatial resolution scans than single detector-row systems.