Inhalation of beryllium (Be) induces both inflammatory and metal antigen-specific immune responses in the lungs characterized by mononuclear cell infiltration and granuloma formation (chronic beryllium disease, CBD). We tested the hypothesis that Be-salts might increase the in vitro migration of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). PBMC are mixed cells, consisting of lymphocytes and monocytes. We compared their responses to populations of both purified blood lymphocytes, and purified blood monocytes. Purified blood monocytes and lymphocytes, isolated by Percoll gradients and centrifugal elutriation from normal human subjects (n = 6), were exposed to graded concentrations (0.01 to 100 microM) of BeSO4 or to the control metal-salt Al2(SO4)3. Migratory responses of stimulated PBMC were measured in Boyden Chambers. As controls, PBMC mixed cells or purified lymphocytes or purified monocytes were unstimulated or stimulated with a positive chemoattractant, Zymosan-A treated pooled, normal human serum (ZAS). The migration index (MI) was defined as the distance (micrometers) that cells migrated through a 5 micron filter. The MI for unstimulated PBMC mixed cells was 75+/-4 whereas the MI for ZAS-stimulated PBMC mixed cells was 124+/-4 (P < or = 0.05, Tukey-Kramer). The MI for BeSO4 -stimulated (100 microM) PBMC mixed cells was 136+/-4. The observed increase in the BeSO4-stimulated PBMC mixed cell migration was significant down to 0.1 microM BeSO4. BeSO4, BeCl2 and BeF2, tested at 100 and 10 microM, were equally effective at inducing PBMC mixed cell migration. Equimolar concentrations of Al2(SO4)3 were not as effective at inducing PBMC mixed cell migration, MI < 100 at 100 microM, and did not induce PBMC mixed cell migration at concentrations below 1 microM. The migration of purified monocytes through filters was not increased in response to either BeSO4 or Al2(SO4)3 compared to controls, but did respond to ZAS (MI = 100+/-4). Purified lymphocytes migrated in response to stimulation with all concentrations of BeSO4 tested (100 microM MI = 133+/-9), and Al2(SO4)3 (100 microM MI = 85+/-8). There were no significant differences in the MI for PBMC mixed cells or for purified lymphocytes at the concentrations of BeSO4 tested. Our data show that Be directly induces the in vitro migration of PBMC mixed cells and purified blood lymphocytes, and not purified blood monocytes, across a broad range of Be concentrations. This induction of migration was independent of the molecular form of the Be-salt. Inhaled Be, by promoting lymphocyte emigration to the lung, may create a microenvironment that favors a Be-antigen-specific T-lymphocyte response, chronic inflammation, and CBD.