We analyzed 58 cases of advanced or recurrent cervical cancer treated with intra-arterial infusion chemotherapy (IAIC) with or without radiotherapy. Two separate IAIC regimens were administered since 1985: group I consisted of 5-FU + MMC +/- ADR (30 patients) and group II consisted of CDDP + MMC +/- 5-FU (28 patients). The tip of a catheter was placed in the bifurcation of the abdominal aorta (1 way method: 45 patients regimen II: 15) between 1977-1984. We have used selective catheterization (2 ways method: 9) since 1995 in order to get good drug distribution. However we experienced grade 4 toxic effect of cutaneous and pain with this method, so we have used a 3 ways method (4 patients) since 1998. The two-year survival rete was 60% with the 1 way method, and 67% with the 2 ways method and regimen II. Severe adverse effects (grade 3 + 4) were found in 53, 56, 0%, respectively, by each of the three methods (1, 2, 3 ways) hematologically, 13, 22, 0% in gastrointestinally, 0, 44, 0% in cutaneously and 0, 56, 0% in pain or neurotoxicity. These data suggest that IAIC by the 3 ways method is a useful treatment for advanced or recurrent cervical cancer. However, one should check the blood flow distribution periodically, and control concentration of drugs.