The calculation of the correlation dimension (D2) was applied to the study of the profiles of EEG slow-wave activity in nine narcoleptic subjects and nine sex- and age-matched control subjects who, following a baseline night recording, were maintained on 16 h of diurnal sleep deprivation and, thereafter, submitted to a 32-h bed rest protocol. The reversibility test allowed us to reject the null hypothesis that the time series considered in our study were generated by a static transformation of a linear Gaussian random process. Similarly, all profiles showed a positive largest Lyapunov exponent. Finally, the computation of D2 showed an average value of 5.27 (0.68 S.D.) in normal controls and 4.05 (1.49 S.D.) in narcoleptic patients (p = 0.067). Four of the narcoleptic patients showed values of D2 lower than 4, this was never observed in the normal controls (p = 0.0294). This study indicates that the mechanism of sleep-wake regulation in narcolepsy shows a somewhat lower degree of complexity as compared to normal controls. In particular, these data seem to confirm the already suggested different and simpler coupling between the homeostatic process of sleep regulation and the circadian and ultradian drives to sleep that occurs in bed rest condition in this disease.