Clinically most patients complain about ulnar sided wrist pain and limited forearm rotation following malunited distal radius fractures. Possible bony reasons consist of intraarticular incongruency, malalignment of the sigmoid notch of the distal radius or the ulna-plus-situation at the wrist level. A persisting luxation of the distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) will present itself with complete loss of forearm rotation. The ligamentous or bony detachment of the triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) will lead to instability of the DRUJ. Uncorrected, each of these components will lead to arthrosis of the DRUJ. The presence of arthrosis only allows salvage procedures for the DRUJ and will lead to functional loss. Reconstructive options consist of radius correction osteotomy, ulnar shortening osteotomy, reposition of a luxation and refixation of the TFCC. To chose the necessary reconstructive procedure, the individual pathological situation has to be analysed.