Clinical tumor targeting studies with chimeric monoclonal antibody G250 (cG250) in renal cell carcinoma (RCC) patients indicated the potential use of this antibody for radioimmunotherapy. Here we report on a phase I activity dose escalation study to determine the safety, the maximum tolerable dose (MTD), and the possible therapeutic potential of 131I-labeled cG250 in patients with progressive metastatic RCC. All patients (n = 12) received a diagnostic i.v. infusion of 5 mg of cG250 labeled with 222 MBq of 131I. If accumulation of the antibody in metastatic lesions was observed, patients were hospitalized and a second, therapeutic, i.v. infusion of 5 mg of cG250 labeled with a high dose of 131I was administered (n = 8). Three patients per dose level were entered, starting at 1665 MBq/m2. If no dose-limiting toxicity occurred, the study continued at the next dose level (555 MBq/m2 increase). Most patients experienced mild nausea without vomiting. No other complaints were reported during hospitalization. In two of two patients who received a dose of 2775 MBq/m2, grade IV hematological toxicity was observed, which was defined as dose limiting. Thus, the MTD was set at 2220 MBq/m2. In one patient (2220 MBq/m2), stable disease (lasting 3-6 months) was achieved, whereas another patient (2220 MBq/m2) showed a partial response that is ongoing (>9 months). The minor responses observed in this phase I trial in patients with an advanced stage of RCC are encouraging and warrant further study in a phase II setting at the MTD to determine the efficacy of radioimmunotherapy for metastatic RCC.