[Case report] A 65-year-old male war admitted to a local hospital because of fever. He was treated with piperacillin and clindamycin without noticeable effect. He began to complain of loss of vision on the third hospital day and culture of the blood specimen yielded Klebsiella pneumoniae. He was diagnosed as endophthalmitis and referred to our hospital for further examination. The hematological laboratory test showed leukocytosis (12,700/microliter) and increased CRP (20.4 mg/dl). A computed tomographic (CT) scan of the thorax revealed multiple lung abscesses. An abdominal ultrasonographic scan and a CT scan of the abdomen revealed multiple liver abscesses. We drained the abscess in the liver and Klebsiella pneumoniae was detected from the sample of aspirated fluid and his sputum. Meropenem was administered intravenously. Fever started to improve on the tenth hospital day and the size of both liver and lung abscesses were reduced. He has lost vision of his right eye. He was discharged after sixty days. He did not have any immunosuppressive underlying disease including HIV infection and diabetes mellitus which cause these lesions.