The Florida School Violence Policies and Programs Study (FSVPPS) assessed characteristics of violence prevention and control policies and education programs in Florida's 67 public school districts. Data were collected using the Florida School Violence Policies and Programs Questionnaire (FSVPPQ). Instruments used in the national School Health Policies and Programs Study (SHPPS) served as the framework for item development. A questionnaire designed to solicit information about violence policies and education programs was mailed to all 67 school districts in Florida during spring 1996. Sixty-seven key informants were selected by asking district office personnel to identify the person with primary responsibility for violence prevention activities in their district. Fifty-five school districts returned completed questionnaires, yielding a usable response rate of 82%. Respondents included personnel of superintendent rank, district administrators and directors, instructional specialists, principals, and "Safe & Drug Free Schools" coordinators. Participating school districts were evenly distributed geographically across Florida. The FSVPPS data reported in this paper include administrative and programmatic information about violence prevention education.