It is impossible to predict malignant potential of thymomas by conventional histopathological examination. In order to find a malignant marker of thymoma, we immunohistochemically examined the expression of the products of p53 and p27kip1, potential tumor suppressor genes in thymic epithelial tumors. The thymic epithelial tumors examined in the present study included 13 non-invasive thymomas, 7 invasive thymomas, and 4 thymic carcinomas. The thymic epithelial cells showed abnormal accumulation of p53 protein in 2 of 13 non-invasive thymomas (15.4%), 4 of 7 invasive thymomas (50%), and 3 of 4 thymic carcinomas (75%). The frequency of p53-expression paralleled with clinical aggressiveness. On the other hand, p27 showed no correlation with clinical aggressiveness. In conclusion, the present results suggest that the presence of p53-positive epithelial cells might be a useful indicator to predict malignant potential of thymoma.