Purpose: To determine sensitivity, specificity and diagnostic accuracy of contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography (CE MRA) compared to digital subtraction angiography (DSA) in the study of carotid stenosis.
Methods and material: We studied 23 patients with suspected cerebro-vascular insufficiency by carotid stenosis. Diagnostic examinations by means of CE MRA and DSA were carried out within 24 hours of each other. A 1.5 T superconductive magnet (Signa-General Electric) was used for CE MRA. This technique was performed using a fast spoiled gradient echo recalled (SPGR) sequence acquired in coronal plane 13 sec after injection of contrast medium. Imaging parameters were: TR/TE/FA 8 msec/1 msec/60 degrees, matrix 256 x 128, 1 excitation, FOV 18 x 13 cm, 28 slices per slab, slice thickness of 1 mm, acquisition time of 32 sec. The post-processing was performed using maximum intensity projection (MIP) and targeted MIP. For DSA examinations a Politron 1000 VR unit (Siemens) was used.
Results: In the identification and quantification of lesions, CE MRA showed values of 100%. In particular, in comparison to DSA, CE MRA was accurate in diagnosing all true negative and positive cases. The location of stenosis evaluated with CE MRA agreed in all cases with DSA.
Conclusion: In our experience CE MRA proved to be a very valuable technique in diagnosing carotid stenosis, showing the same diagnostic accuracy as DSA. In this way CE MRA appears to be a substantial alternative technique to conventional MRA and other non-invasive diagnostic methods.