A fine physical map of the top arm of Arabidopsis thaliana chromosome 3 has been constructed by ordering P1, TAC and BAC clones using the sequences of a variety of DNA markers and end-sequences of clones. The marker sequences used in this study were derived from 58 DNA markers, 93 YAC end-sequences, and 807 end-sequences of P1, TAC and BAC clones. The entire top arm of chromosome 3, except for the centromeric and telomeric regions, was covered by a single contig 13.3 Mb long. This fine physical map will facilitate gene isolation by map-based cloning experiments as well as genome sequencing of the top arm of chromosome 3. The map and end-sequence information are available on the web site KAOS (Kazusa Arabidopsis data Opening Site) at [http://www.kazusa.or.jp/arabi/].