The specific aim of this study was to quantify glenohumeral translations in cadaveric shoulders after repair of the superior and middle regions of a surgically created Bankart lesion and after repair of the superior, middle, and inferior regions of the same lesion. Anterior-posterior, superior-inferior, and medial-lateral translations in nine cadaveric specimens were tested with shoulders in 0 degree, 45 degrees, and 90 degrees of humeral abduction and varying degrees of humeral rotation. There was statistically significantly less anterior and inferior translation after three-site labral repair compared with after two-site labral repair, and this effect was greatest at 90 degrees of glenohumeral abduction. The decreased translations demonstrated with three-site repair emphasized the importance of careful repair of the labrum to the inferior glenoid rim during a Bankart reconstruction and suggested that failure to do so may be a contributing factor to recurrent instability after anterior shoulder reconstruction.