Weighted Fourier analysis of blood pressure curves after lisinopril versus atenolol administration in young hypertensives

Blood Press Monit. 1996 Apr;1(2):115-120.


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate and compare the effects of lisinopril versus atenolol administration on the diurnal blood pressure profile and the nocturnal blood pressure fall in young mild-to-moderate essential hypertensives.METHODS: Thirty patients were studied. After a 2-week placebo run-in period, they were single-blind randomly assigned to receive 20 mg lisinopril or 100 mg atenolol. Using a SpaceLabs 90207 device, their ambulatory blood pressure was measured before and after 12 weeks of therapy. The readings were analysed using Fourer series with four harmonics. RESULTS: Lisinopril and atenolol administration significantly decreased office and ambulatory blood pressure values compared with the placebo period. The daily blood pressure curves obtained from Fourier analysis showed that the circadian rhythm was not altered by lisinopril and atenolol administration. From the night:day ratio for the nocturnal blood pressure fall, we found that atenolol administration minimized the average night-time blood pressure dip by increasing the number of non-dippers. In contrast, lisinopril administration did not modify the day-night difference, preserving the nocturnal blood pressure fall. CONCLUSION: Lisinopril and atenolol administration as a first-step treatment of young essential hypertensives produced comparable degrees of diurnal control of arterial pressure. The blood pressure fall at night in patients treated with atenolol was slightly less than that found with lisinopril treatment.